I thought we'd keep a simple blog recording books we find.
This may consist of just the basics- what it's called and who it's by!
but hopefully we'll add a simple summary and or review and a snap shot of the cover.
My readers are just 6 and just 8 years old , they both are reading at around grade 5 reading level (US) and that is thanks to "Jolly Phonics" a systematic phonics reading method that I started to use when my oldest was rising 5 with severely delayed speech. I thought if we found a fun way to practise sounds it might help..it did like a rocket... with the side effect of producing a happy and avid reader. The other side effect was a literal one ..her little sister (then 3) was sitting by her big sister's side for these fun games and learnt along side. OK too many sides.. but you understand what I mean, I hope!
I used the basic sound introduction from Jolly phonics and their sound sheets, they enjoyed the DVD too.
For more infomation on Jolly phonics see here...
and here
and here..
No I have no connection with them...honest...I just think it's a really sensible teaching method and it works!!! (it's great fun too)
Together with a controlled vocabulary reading scheme from the 60's as basic reading text.
A Big Thank you Ladybird !!!!
I recorded known sight words on individual 'trees' also books read in a similar manner. I found an old 'tree' chart to give you an idea.
Very nice. I tried Jolly phonics to. It was great.-Blogger Kate
now 9&10
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